One reason why George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, etc etc hits home with me…

The killings of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery are nothing new for black people in America, especially for my family, as we’ve experienced heartbreaking loss like this. The only thing that is new is the murders are being recorded now.

Life After My Heart Attack…The Road to Recovery

[callout]This is part 3 of 3 blog posts that I am using to tell the story of the massive heart attack I had on Thanksgiving Day (2018). If you missed them, go back and read Part 1 and Part 2.[/callout] As I've said time and time again, I am so grateful. However, I did...

I Thought, “I Could Be Dying…”

[callout]This post is the second of three that I am using to tell the story of the massive heart attack I had on Thanksgiving Day (2018). Click here to read Part 1 and Part 3.[/callout] I knew something was seriously wrong and I began to believe it was...
A Dad’s Dream Come True: To Be Your Kids’ Hero

A Dad’s Dream Come True: To Be Your Kids’ Hero

When I was growing up you couldn't see the paint on my walls in my bedroom. Every inch of my walls were covered with posters, pictures from magazines, and even pictures from newspapers. I loved sports and you could tell the minute you stepped foot in my room. One...

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The 3 Step Plan to G.E.T. Better as a Husband and Father

The 3 Step Plan to G.E.T. Better as a Husband and Father

On my wedding day, I was given the advice, "be a man for your family." To a 26-year-old man who was entering marriage already with a child, it sounded like profound advice. I thought, "this is what it takes, I have to be a man for my family." If I could just be that...

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How to Become a Championship Level Dad

How to Become a Championship Level Dad

This time of year all the sports cliche's and phrases come out. Phrases like... "championship level" "clutch performer" "Cinderella" That's because it's March Madness time! The month of March has become a basketball lover's dream. Almost like it was created for them....

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5 Ways to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage

5 Ways to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage

When I was in real estate I remember some of the people we worked with saying "homes aren't built like they used to."  At one point new homes and new neighborhoods seemed to pop up over night. The homes and subdivisions all looked great, but what many of our...

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That Unique Quality Great Family Leaders Have

That Unique Quality Great Family Leaders Have

[dropshadowbox align="none" effect="lifted-both" width="625px" height="" background_color="#ffffff" border_width="1" border_color="#dddddd" ]This is a post I wrote for the CoachUp blog about that "unique quality which separates great coaches from good coaches." I...

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A Valentine Day Special for Your Marriage This Weekend

A Valentine Day Special for Your Marriage This Weekend

Have you been gearing up for the big day? Hopefully you didn't forget what "big day" I'm talking about. If you forgot, let this be your reminder. Today is Valentine's Day! It is the day you get the opportunity to do something special for your marriage, for your wife,...

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