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How to Become a Championship Level Dad


This time of year all the sports cliche’s and phrases come out. Phrases like…

  • “championship level”
  • “clutch performer”
  • “Cinderella”

That’s because it’s March Madness time! The month of March has become a basketball lover’s dream. Almost like it was created for them. During March you get to watch college basketball’s best teams start their runs to what they hope will end in a championship.

Championship level dads are “in the game”

One thing is for sure, each team has to show up to win. Don’t “show up” meaning don’t give your best and you may end up “one and done.” The same is true in fatherhood. To become championship level you have to “show up.” You have to prepare, you have to practice, and you have to be “in the game.”

That is one my biggest goals in life. Is to be “in the game” when it comes to being the dad of my three kids. I’ve learned a lot from being a dad for 13 years, and I’m still learning. I know just like I won’t be the only dad watching March Madness today, I’m not the only dad working hard at being a championship-level dad.

Teams win championships

I need the encouragement of other dads from time and time. And other times I am that encouragement for other dads. This is why I wrote my newest eBook, March DADness: Preparing Dads to Make a Championship Run in Fatherhood. It is heavily inspired by the NCAA tournament, but very practical when it comes to the “how to” of being a championship level dad.

You can get a FREE copy of the eBook here. If you act fast you can join our March DADness bracket with a chance to win some cool prizes from CoachUp.

Fatherhood is best when you have a team working toward the same thing. Just like those teams who reach the Sweet 16, then the Elite 8, and make it to the Final Four. Grab my book, be encouraged, and start your championship run. Then share it with other dads, who you’d like to team up with you during your run.

How will you enjoy March Madness with your kids?

Mar 20, 2014


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