Today is the last day of the #GETActive30 Day Challenge, and National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. It has been a fun challenge, and for me a spring board to get back to working out on a regular basis.
I hope everyone who took the Challenge has been encouraged, and is on their way to a lifestyle of physical activity. This will not be the last #GETActive30 Day Challenge. I hope to make each subsequent challenge better and more beneficial to you. Your feedback will be very beneficial in doing this. To help you provide feedback, I have created my #GETActive30 Participant Survey. Please take a few moments to complete the survey.
Below I have provided links to some of my blog posts related to the Challenge, fitness, and nutrition. Until the next Challenge don’t forget to #GETActive30!
[***UPDATE***: The #GETActive30 Day Challenge will take place every 4 months. The months of January, May, and September. Please join our Facebook Group, to stay connected with others who have participated and to stay engaged, encouraged, and excited! 🙂]
May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
Join the #GETActive30 Day Challenge
Physical Activities for The Entire Family
Playing Video Games to Meet Your Daily Physical Activity Goals
Question: What type of 30 Day Challenges would you be interested in participating in? (Not just limited to fitness)