by Jackie Bledsoe | Mar 13, 2017 | Engagement RING, Faith, MentoRING
I heard a quote several years ago that has stuck with me ever since. The quote is the best – maybe the only – way to predict the future. So far for me, it has been a great forecaster of my future. And that fact has me super excited about what lies ahead...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Mar 10, 2014 | Restoration, Wedding RING
When I was in real estate I remember some of the people we worked with saying “homes aren’t built like they used to.” At one point new homes and new neighborhoods seemed to pop up over night. The homes and subdivisions all looked great, but what...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Apr 25, 2013 | DiscoveRING, Intimacy
My wife and my desire is to spend time together. But not just time, quality time. It is the quest of all relationships. To spend time together, and to make it worthwhile, to make it memorable. We went on dates, but not as often as we’d like. There was...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Jul 20, 2012 | Dating, DiscoveRING
It’s Friday and that means my friend Shawn Snyder, from The Odd Couple Blog, and I are teaming up on our weekly marriage blog. Shawn will share her thoughts (in green) on the topic through the eyes of a woman/wife, and I’ll share mine (in blue) through the eyes of a...
by Jackie Bledsoe | May 22, 2012 | Restoration, RestoRING
Sometimes you get so busy and so focused on accomplishing things that you forget to focus on the relationships in your life. I have been guilty of that lately, as there has been a lot going on in our household, and I have some goals and deadlines that I have to meet...