One reason why George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, etc etc hits home with me…

The killings of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery are nothing new for black people in America, especially for my family, as we’ve experienced heartbreaking loss like this. The only thing that is new is the murders are being recorded now.

Life After My Heart Attack…The Road to Recovery

[callout]This is part 3 of 3 blog posts that I am using to tell the story of the massive heart attack I had on Thanksgiving Day (2018). If you missed them, go back and read Part 1 and Part 2.[/callout] As I've said time and time again, I am so grateful. However, I did...

I Thought, “I Could Be Dying…”

[callout]This post is the second of three that I am using to tell the story of the massive heart attack I had on Thanksgiving Day (2018). Click here to read Part 1 and Part 3.[/callout] I knew something was seriously wrong and I began to believe it was...
How Your Parenting Style Affects Your Kids

How Your Parenting Style Affects Your Kids

Do you love your kids? Do your actions show you love your kids? How do your kids know? The way your love comes out in your parenting may actually be hurting your kids. So, what kind of parent are you? I'm reading a great book on parenting called, Parenting with Love...

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Is a Lack of Good Nutrition Hurting Your Kids?

Is a Lack of Good Nutrition Hurting Your Kids?

In the United States obesity is a major concern, especially childhood obesity.  Without even throwing out some statistics to you, you can probably notice it by looking at some of your kids friends.  Maybe even your own kids.   You may say "kids don't get out and play...

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We Honor You…A Memorial Day Tribute

We Honor You…A Memorial Day Tribute

Memorial Day weekend is here.  This weekend typically marks the start of the summer vacation season, but Memorial Day is much more than that. Your family may get together for a barbeque, attend a parade, watch or go to the Indy 500, and get an extra day off of work....

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What Happens When You Love Your Work

What Happens When You Love Your Work

Something special happens when you love your work.  I have had many jobs in my life, and not all have been ideal.  I am thankful for each one because each served its purpose, met a (financial) need, and provided opportunities for me to grow. Have you worn many...

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How to Encourage Your Spouse With These 5 Actions

How to Encourage Your Spouse With These 5 Actions

Being married is wonderful in the fact you have someone there with you, and for you, at all times.  It is a reciprocal relationship. Sometimes you are in need of encouragement.  Sometimes you need to encourage your spouse.  I was in need of encouragement earlier this...

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Sports Parenting: Can You Coach the “Love of the Game”?

Sports Parenting: Can You Coach the “Love of the Game”?

The "Love of the Game" is a phrase you have probably heard many times if you follow sports.  Typically when an athlete reaches a very high level in their sport they speak of how they have this love of their sport, that helps to drive them, makes them want to play it...

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How a “Domestic Sexy” Husband Can Stimulate His Marriage

How a “Domestic Sexy” Husband Can Stimulate His Marriage

Okay, I have to start off by being transparent.  When I first heard the term “domestic sexy“, my mind immediately went to my wife dressed in a French maid outfit cleaning the house, and…you fill in the blank.  I know, I know, I should be ashamed!  (I said I was...

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A Post Mother’s Day Message for Dad

A Post Mother’s Day Message for Dad

Yesterday, the word of the day was "mother."  And rightfully so, as the one day each year dedicated to loving on, and sharing appreciation for mom, mother, ma, momma, big mama grandma, and so on, was celebrated. A quick scan of my Facebook news feed was filled with...

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