One reason why George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, etc etc hits home with me…

The killings of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery are nothing new for black people in America, especially for my family, as we’ve experienced heartbreaking loss like this. The only thing that is new is the murders are being recorded now.

Life After My Heart Attack…The Road to Recovery

[callout]This is part 3 of 3 blog posts that I am using to tell the story of the massive heart attack I had on Thanksgiving Day (2018). If you missed them, go back and read Part 1 and Part 2.[/callout] As I've said time and time again, I am so grateful. However, I did...

I Thought, “I Could Be Dying…”

[callout]This post is the second of three that I am using to tell the story of the massive heart attack I had on Thanksgiving Day (2018). Click here to read Part 1 and Part 3.[/callout] I knew something was seriously wrong and I began to believe it was...
7 Wedding Vows You Should Make to Your Spouse Every Year

7 Wedding Vows You Should Make to Your Spouse Every Year

The day we get married we make some promises to our spouses, in the form of our wedding vows. We promise that through a myriad of circumstances we will love them through it all and ultimately never leave them. If the studies are true, only about 50% of us keep those...

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One Thing That’ll Wreck Your Kids’ Lives…for Good

One Thing That’ll Wreck Your Kids’ Lives…for Good

"Daddy, who are we praying for today? And can we start praying together at the table again?" Those are the words our 7-year-old said the other day. We were five or six days into 21 Days of Prayer with our church, and we'd missed a couple days because our 11-year-old...

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Are you stealing from your wife and kids?

Are you stealing from your wife and kids?

I have been reading some of the books from the Dave Ramsey team lately.  In Dave Ramsey's book, "EntreLeadership," and Jon Acuff's book, "Quitter," the topic of employee stealing is discussed.  As I read it and realized I have been one of those thieving employees, it...

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How I Get to Wake Up Next to My Wife and My Friend Joy

How I Get to Wake Up Next to My Wife and My Friend Joy

For the past few mornings, my wife has allowed me to wake up next to her and my friend Joy. Although my wife doesn't really know Joy, she has no problems with our relationship. In fact, I would say she wants me to get to know Joy even more. My hope is they develop a...

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25 Things Your Wife Will Love To Hear You Say

25 Things Your Wife Will Love To Hear You Say

If your marriage is like mine, sometimes your wife could use some encouragement. If you are like me, it is not always easy for your wife to be married to you. I admit I can be tough to deal with sometimes. You can probably say the same. But sometimes we do get it...

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