When You Pray, God Don’t Play!

When You Pray, God Don’t Play!

Have you ever really gone to God in prayer consistently?  Yes, I am a Christian.  Yes, I believe what the bible says.  Yes, I believe in prayer.  But I admit, my prayer life could be better.  However, after a recent class on prayer at my church, and a commitment to...
Breaking the Grip of Cancer

Breaking the Grip of Cancer

Just the word cancer, can cause an influx of emotions to everyone who hears it.  I am sure that everyone reading this post has somehow dealt with cancer.  Whether it be a family member, a friend, or even you that has been diagnosed with cancer.  Unfortunately, cancer...
7 Life-Changing Events

7 Life-Changing Events

Sometimes in life we can look back and pinpoint specific events or moments in which we knew life would never be the same. Other times we don’t realize the significance of an event until years later, and we can reflect on where we went from there.  I always say I...

God is beautiful…this is the truth

I know it is not “Wordless Wednesday”, but I want to share this video I came across yesterday.  There are very few words needed from me.  Overcoming bulimia, the suicide of a parent, depression, alcohol use, a miracle survival from a car crash, life...