March DADness: Elite 8 Encouraging Words Elite Dads Say to Build Self-Confident Kids


We are down to the Elite 8 in the NCAA tournament.  The best of the best make it to this round.  No team has made it this far without some encouraging words being said to them by a coach, parent, or teammate.

If your March Madness bracket is busted like mine, don’t worry.  You can still win in fatherhood by following my March DADness series.  We made it through the Sweet 16 Gifts the Best Dads Give Their Kids.  Today we are building self-confident kids by saying encouraging words to them.

A special group of teams and dads

I looked up the definition of the word elite.  Here is what says:

“The choice or best of anything considered collectively, as of a group or class of persons”

So, as an elite dad you are part of a group of dads who are the best at what you do.  A group of dads who have excelled at what they are doing, and surpassed the field.  One of the main reasons a dad is considered elite, is how well their kids perform.

Very few kids perform well in a discouraging environment filled with discouragement words.  Elite dads understand this and build the self-confidence of their kids through encouragement.

If you are a new dad, or working through the field to reach elite status practice saying encouraging words to your kids.  I’ve compiled a list of things to say.  Words that will encourage your kids, build their self-confidence, and strengthen the bond you share.

Elite 8 Encouraging Words Elite Dads Say to Build Self-Confident Kids

  1. I love you!
  2. You did great!
  3. I believe in you.  You can do it!
  4. I am sorry.
  5. I’m always here for you.
  6. I absolutely love _______ about you!
  7. I am so glad you are my son/daughter!
  8. God made you __________ (strong and courageous, fearfully and wonderfully made, in his own image).

There is no way this is an exhaustive list.  I could have probably kept going and made it elite 80 encouraging words.

The more you spend time with your kids the more opportunities you find to encourage them. [Tweet this]

When you do this, you will add to the list, creating our own.

A fun way to spend time and build self-confidence in your kids

This March Madness themed series of March DADness posts have been sponsored by my friends at Mental Toughness Academy.  They have an amazing online training program for kids.  Their Mental Toughness Training is a great tool to help your kids build confidence. In addition it will help them focus and better handle challenges in life, school, and sports.

I am going through it with my kids and highly recommend it.  It is a great way to spend time together, while giving your kids practical ways to succeed in life.

As a March DADness sponsor, Mental Toughness Academy is giving away one FREE training program. [Tweet this]

Click here to learn more about Mental Toughness Academy, and see below for the FREE Mental Toughness Training offer.

Enter to win a FREE Mental Toughness Training Program for your kids

To enter and give yourself a chance to win a FREE online program, you must take all three of the following actions:

  1. Leave a comment below.  Answer the question at the bottom of this post.
  2. Fill out the special form.  I have a separate form to make it convenient for you to provide your email address.
  3. Follow @jbledsoejr on Twitter and tweet a link to this post.  You can do so automatically by clicking here.  (If you don’t have a Twitter account you can use Facebook.  Use Facebook by liking my Facebook Pageclicking here, copying and pasting the text as your status update.)

Question:  Has your dad or someone’s encouraging words helped in building your self-confidence.  Please share what was said and how it helped you in the comment section below.

Mar 30, 2013


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