One reason why George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, etc etc hits home with me…

The killings of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery are nothing new for black people in America, especially for my family, as we’ve experienced heartbreaking loss like this. The only thing that is new is the murders are being recorded now.

Life After My Heart Attack…The Road to Recovery

[callout]This is part 3 of 3 blog posts that I am using to tell the story of the massive heart attack I had on Thanksgiving Day (2018). If you missed them, go back and read Part 1 and Part 2.[/callout] As I've said time and time again, I am so grateful. However, I did...

I Thought, “I Could Be Dying…”

[callout]This post is the second of three that I am using to tell the story of the massive heart attack I had on Thanksgiving Day (2018). Click here to read Part 1 and Part 3.[/callout] I knew something was seriously wrong and I began to believe it was...
Why Marriage is the BOMB. Celebrating Our 12th Anniversary!

Why Marriage is the BOMB. Celebrating Our 12th Anniversary!

Sometimes I'm like, "I married her...I married Niecy Hogg (my wife's maiden name)." I am like "WOW!" Today is our 12th wedding anniversary, and I am a blessed man. We've had our ups and downs, but I can say without a doubt, marriage is the bomb! For those that know...

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5 Last Minute Father’s Day Gifts Dad Will Love

5 Last Minute Father’s Day Gifts Dad Will Love

You know what happens the day before Father's Day.  There are plenty of people running around trying to grab a father's day gift for dad.  Many times this will be a tie, tools, or gift cards. The last minute rush, or just not knowing really what dad wants, can...

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A Message FROM Dad This Father’s Day

A Message FROM Dad This Father’s Day

Father's Day is this Sunday!  There will be all kinds of nice things being said and done for dad.  It is well deserved for many dads.  However, I think it would be great to flip the script.  I am asking every dad to write a message for your child this father's day....

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5 Reasons You Have to Attend a Marriage Retreat

5 Reasons You Have to Attend a Marriage Retreat

Do you feel your marriage is stuck in neutral?  Or for every step forward, you take 2-3 backwards?  You are not alone.  My wife and I have been there many times.  One thing that always helps is a weekend away to attend a marriage retreat. This past weekend, we were...

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What Happens When Dad is Missing?

What Happens When Dad is Missing?

"I'm convinced Father's Day is the most disrespected day of the year."  This was posted on the Facebook wall of a friend of mine recently.  The comment sparked a slew of comments about it, and the reason it may, or may not be true (depending upon who you ask). The...

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The Experience of Running My First 5k

The Experience of Running My First 5k

Like most people, I have a bucket list.  I am so incredibly grateful that I actually get to scratch something else from mine.  I ran my first 5K! This is a guest post by Sheree Adams.  Sheree is a Christian, wife, WAHM of three, nurse, blogger and speaker, who...

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That Moment When…You Are Tested as a Dad

That Moment When…You Are Tested as a Dad

Being a dad is one of the toughest jobs you can have.  It ranks right up there with being a...husband.  Both are tough.  Both have extreme highs and lows.  Your role as dad it will bring out the best and worst in you.  But the joy that comes with being a dad is...

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What is Your Plan to Improve Your Marriage?

What is Your Plan to Improve Your Marriage?

You may have the model marriage.  You may have a marriage on the brink of divorce.  You may be newlyweds, or seasoned marriage vets.  No matter, you can always improve your marriage.  But, it won't just happen.  You have to make it happen. So, what is your plan to...

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