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A Post Mother’s Day Message for Dad


Yesterday, the word of the day was “mother.”  And rightfully so, as the one day each year dedicated to loving on, and sharing appreciation for mom, mother, ma, momma, big mama grandma, and so on, was celebrated.

A quick scan of my Facebook news feed was filled with Mother’s Day love and messages.  It probably trended on Twitter, dominated pins on Pinterest, and was captured on Instagram.  Now it is the day after.  Will all that love end?  It shouldn’t, and I have a call to dads to keep it going.

Loving on Mom 364 days plus Mother’s Day

Today I share a post Mother’s Day message for dads to continue to actively love on and appreciate the mom’s of our children.

This post is one from my series of my most popular posts.  After 265+ posts I realize some of you, who are new to my site, may have missed some of my most popular posts.  So, over the next 5-10 days I will republish the top posts from my blog, and the sites I contribute to on a regular basis.  During this time I will be finishing up some exciting projects which will help you grow as a family leader.  Enjoy and GET ready for some new stuff in May!

Making Mother’s Day everyday is the greatest thing you can do for your kids

If you have young children like me, then you probably played a big role in making Mother’s Day special for your kids’ mom.  As a matter of fact your role as dad is just big on Mother’s Day, but equally huge the other 364 days each year.  The role you play as dad and relate to your kids’ mom, has the greatest impact on your children’s lives.  Mom is the beneficiary.

The title of the post is “The Single Greatest Thing a Dad Can Do for His Children.” [Tweet this]

Below is an excerpt of the post.

Once you have children, your life changes.  You begin to do things differently in an effort to care for, provide, and guide your children.  Of all those things, there is one thing that a father can do that will provide the greatest impact on his children’s lives.

The “Single Greatest Thing A Dad Can Do For His Children” is to love their mother.  Plain and simple!  No matter your relationship “status“, loving your child’s mom is the greatest thing you can do for them!

Click here to read the entire post.

Question:  Post Mother’s Day, what is one way you can continue to love the mother of your kids?  Moms, you can answer this question to.  Please share in the comment section below.

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photo credit: Tampa Band Photos via photopin cc

May 13, 2013


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