What is Married Life Really Like?


Spending your life in marriage with someone you love is one of life’s great joys.  Yes, married life can also be one of life’s greatest challenges.  If you polled 12 couples about married life, you’d probably received 12, or even 24, different views.

With nearly 12 years of marriage life, I have a real appreciation of marriage.  Although, before marrying my wife, I never dreamed I would get married.  I am happy to be living this married life and enjoying all of it’s benefits.

This post is the first in my series of my most popular posts.  After 265+ posts I realize some of you, who are new to my site, may have missed some of my most popular posts.  So, over the next 5-10 days I will republish the top posts from my blog, and the sites I contribute to on a regular basis.  During this time I will be finishing up some exciting projects which will help you grow as a family leader.  Enjoy and GET ready for some new stuff in May!

Married life just may be the very best life

The title to today’s my popular post is “11 Reasons Why Married Life is the Best Life.”  [Tweet this]

The post features a picture of my beautiful bride on our wedding day.  Below is an excerpt of the post:

Today I have been married to my beautiful wife for 11 years.  It amazes me to think that 11 years ago on this day, we made a lifelong commitment to one another and to God.  What also amazes me is that we have know each other more than half our lives, we met over 19 years ago, and she still decided to marry me! :)

The Best Life

Over the years we have experienced many things.  We have experienced highs and lows, we have experienced fun times, and not so fun times.  We have accomplished some goals, yet have still many more to accomplish.  Through it all, I would not trade married life for any other life.  I truly believe Married Life is the Best Life.  Below are 11 Reasons why I believe so.

Click here to read the full post, and join the conversation.

Question: What is married life like for you?  Please share in the comment section below.

photo credit: www.photographybyjoelle.com via photopin cc

May 5, 2013


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