What Makes A Champion

What Makes A Champion

While everyone was getting ready to see if the Miami Heat could finish off the Oklahoma City Thunder in the NBA Finals, and get LeBron James his first NBA championship, my family was getting prepared for a championship game of our own. Our 6-year old son, Jackson, and...

Do You REALLY Believe in Yourself?

“You can’t do that…you aren’t good enough…you’ll never be successful…what makes you think that will work…you don’t have enough money, talent, connections…that has never been done before…you are making a...
Look Foolish, Be Successful

Look Foolish, Be Successful

I have noticed one common thing with successful people. I am now certain that this one thing is what makes them different from those who do not achieve what we desire. If you are willing to do this then I think you will greatly increase your chances of being...