by Jackie Bledsoe | Jul 23, 2015 | MentoRING, Restoration
A couple of months ago my wife and I needed help. We were not talking, we were pretty rude to one another, and the worst part — we didn’t care whether we hurt each other or not. We had reached that nasty place where our hurts, frustrations, and...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Jul 20, 2015 | Faith, PerseveRING
At the beginning of this month we took our first family road trip vacation in years. My wife and kids and my parents packed up two cars full of stuff and headed west. We were headed to spend time with my brother and his family in Missouri. But this was a trip that...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Jun 30, 2015 | Raising Kids
A few weeks ago, my wife and I were in our bedroom talking and our kids were in the room doing their own thing. The next thing we heard was, “Dad, can you come here!” from one of our sons. It didn’t sound like a panic, but there was a seriousness to...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Jun 21, 2015 | MentoRING, Raising Kids
About a month or so ago just as the season for grass cutting hit full swing here in Indiana, we tried to start up our lawn mower and it wouldn’t cooperate. Nothing we did seemed to work. And this was our “new” lawnmower, which is a gently used mower...
by Jackie Bledsoe | May 25, 2015 | Intimacy, Wedding RING
I am a very competitive person. It’s natural for me to compete and desire to win. It doesn’t matter what it is –basketball, checkers, work, or in marriage. As men we are wired that way. We are competitive by nature, we want to accomplish great...
by Jackie Bledsoe | May 10, 2015 | Money, PerseveRING
Last Sunday on our web show we had a snafu that left us unable to share the amazing interview we had with our guest couple. So, to keep our promise of sharing an interview with a couple who has or is working toward a lasting and fulfilling marriage, we turned the...