I am part of a few blogging communities and follow many other bloggers that share interesting content. I continually find information that helps me, helps my family, and helps my career when I read their blog posts. Below I’ve compiled a list of the most interesting, useful, and fun blog posts I’ve read this week. Hopefully you’ll find some new blogs that you can add to your regular reading.
The Highs & Lows of Watching Your Son Pitch at SportsDadHub.com
Is Homeschooling the Best Option for African-American Children at BlackandMarriedWithKids.com
8 Tips for Waking Up Early & Conquering the Alarm Clock at GoinsWriter.com
How to Create More Margin in Your Life at Michael Hyatt.com
20 Things God Says About You at BigIsTheNewSmall.com
How I put Homeschooling on Reality TV at PenelopeTrunk.com
Two Word of Wisdom That Will Change Your Life at RonEdmondson.com
These posts influenced me in many different ways, I hope they do you as well. Enjoy!
Question: Who influenced you this week (online or offline)? Please share in the comment section below.