What Happens When You Love Your Work


Something special happens when you love your work.  I have had many jobs in my life, and not all have been ideal.  I am thankful for each one because each served its purpose, met a (financial) need, and provided opportunities for me to grow.

Have you worn many different career hats?

However, after stumbling upon writing, blogging, content development, and publishing I can truly say I absolutely love the work I do!  I’ve been in insurance, real estate, direct sales (aka network marketing), corporate sales, and even failed miserably trying to launch a “creative” online marketing company.  Google “Say it in Shirts”, and click the next link for a while.  You may eventually find it.

The one thing which remained constant

None of them stuck, or I should say, I didn’t last in any of those fields.  One common thing I can remember all the way back to my days in school was I loved written words.  I loved to communicate on paper (now via a screen).

Any part of my job which involved writing I enjoyed it more than the other parts.  I am a visual learner, and I would rather read or see words and information, instead of hearing them.  I guess that explains why my wife says I’m not a good listener! 😉

Yep, I used to do that!

Quietly, I even used to write poems, aka rhymes.  Yes, I was an uncover lyrical ghost writer, for myself!  Ha!  Only to be discovered by my wife prior us getting married!  I actually used to enjoy writing the messages on cards for birthdays and special occasions.  It just didn’t seem right if my own words weren’t written on them.

Never did I imagine it would turn into something more than what I did in private.  Even when a Pastor friend told me a few years ago “your gift will make room for you“, I didn’t even think about my writing.  I didn’t fully understand how that statement was going to fit in my life.  Now I’m beginning to see…

When you share the gifts you have been given, doors begin to open and things happen.  [Tweet this]

The bible confirms this in Proverbs 18:16 (NIV)

“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.”

Give your gift, Encourage people, and Teach what you know

By sharing, or giving away my writing, by doing my best to encourage people, and by teaching the lessons I’ve learned, I have been able to do some pretty cool things.  I have met some pretty amazing people, and I’m even earning an income from sharing my gift.

An example of your gift making room for you

This past week I had the opportunity to have a conversation with a Super Bowl Champion, and future Hall of Famer, Jerome Bettis.  As well as entertainers, Cedric the Entertainer and Niecy Nash.  All three have reached a very high level in their respective professions.

I believe it is only the beginning, as I hope to help more and more people who are striving to be better family leaders.  And I know, from the verse quoted above, as I do this more doors will be opened.

Your gift will open doors you didn’t dream of

Although Jerome, Cedric, and Niecy come from “different worlds”, the conversations hit close to home as Jerome and I discussed the severe allergy he deals with, and how it is similar to severe reactions my kids have had.  My conversation with Cedric and Niecy centered around loving our spouses, and the what happens when a husband is domestic sexy.  I am glad to be able to share them both with you.

An interview with a legend

My Jerome Bettis interview and transcript has been published on BlackandMarriedWithKids.com, where I am a Staff Writer.  The Ced and Niecy interview/article will be posted in a few weeks on my site, and on the site of my blogging homeboy Eric Payne, MakesMeWannaHoller.com.

Below is the video of my conversation with Jerome.  If you or someone you know suffers from allergies, if you want to know how Jerome handles the fact I am a Indianapolis Colt fan, who grew up loving the Dallas Cowboys, or if you want to know who Jerome considers his “soul brotha #1”, then you have to watch it!  (Note: if you are unable to view the video below, click this link to open a new tab to watch)


Are you sharing your gift?

I don’t know who this message is for.  I had no intentions of writing this.  I just wanted to share the video of my interview with Jerome Bettis.

But somebody reading this, maybe you, has a gift that you have yet to share with the world.  You have been keeping it all to yourself.  I want to encourage you to share it.

Give your gift to people, and watch it make room for you.  Watch doors open, and opportunities abound for you. [Tweet this]

Question:  What gift(s) do you have that will bless somebody else when you share it?  If you are ready to share it, please do so in the comment section. 

photo credit: hey.pictrues via photopin cc

May 24, 2013


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