by Jackie Bledsoe | Feb 27, 2012 | Faith, ProspeRING
fin•ish•er = Adjective: a person or thing that finishes or completes something One of the greatest labels you can receive in sports is to be called a “finisher” or a “closer.” To be a finisher means that you are able to lead your team to...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Feb 21, 2012 | MentoRING, Raising Kids
As stated in a previous post, I write a short sentence or phrase on my whiteboard that I look at and focus on throughout the week. Its purpose is to give me a simple and visible reminder that keeps me on track to becoming better as a person and/or to solve problems I...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Feb 10, 2012 | Faith, Wedding RING
Have you ever had a bad day and racked your brain in an attempt figure out what went wrong? Well, I have been there many times, and what I’ve come to realize is if I am reflecting only on today more than likely I will not find the root of my bad day. My...