by Guest | Jul 22, 2012 | MentoRING, Raising Kids
Will instruction about who God is, and what He has done be part of your homeschooling experience this coming year? Hopefully yes! Here are some ideas about a way you can “bring the Sunday morning sermon home.” This is a guest post by Jeff Hoots. He blogs about his...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Jul 14, 2012 | Faith, ProspeRING
What makes a great life? Is there some complicated formula or method to winning and living the life you want? Nope! It’s very simple. It’s as simple as elementary math. Here are 15 Simple Solutions That Will Have You #Winning In Life! Talent + Hard...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Jul 11, 2012 | Faith, PerseveRING
Just the word cancer, can cause an influx of emotions to everyone who hears it. I am sure that everyone reading this post has somehow dealt with cancer. Whether it be a family member, a friend, or even you that has been diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, cancer...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Jul 6, 2012 | Engagement RING, Restoration
It’s Friday and that means my friend Shawn Snyder, from The Odd Couple Blog, and I are teaming up on our weekly marriage blog. Shawn will share her thoughts (in green) on the topic through the eyes of a woman/wife, and I’ll share mine (in blue) through...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Jul 3, 2012 | Faith, PerseveRING
Since March 2011 at 6:30AM every single morning, the leaders of my church have been hosting a prayer call for all who want to join in. We call it the “Fresh Fire” Prayer Call, and it has been a true model of consistency and a blessing for me and my family....