How To Keep Going When Life Gets Tough

How To Keep Going When Life Gets Tough

Ever find your self knee deep in some “stuff?”  That point when you think, “when it rains, it pours”, and you feel like giving up. If you have not been there, just keep living.  If you have been, or are there now, you will probably agree with...
When Was The Last Time You Had A Good Laugh?

When Was The Last Time You Had A Good Laugh?

I’ve learned over the years to not take myself, or things, too seriously.  Sometimes it is good just to have a good time, a good laugh, and break free from the day to day grind. This week was a rough one for me, and I needed some healing!  I found a couple good...
Must Read Posts From This Week: Sept 30-Oct 6

Must Read Posts From This Week: Sept 30-Oct 6

It can be tough to keep up with all the interesting blog posts and articles that are posted every week.  Well you are in luck — I have taken care of that for you, by creating a roundup of some of the best, most inspiring, and encouraging blog posts I came across this...


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