Possible Is All You Need

Possible Is All You Need

pos•si•ble = Adjective: able to be done; within the power or capacity of someone or something. How many times are we discouraged by the level of difficulty or amount of time it takes to accomplish something?  As I began thinking about my upcoming week and the many...


I am a big basketball fan so much like every other basketball fan, I heard a little something about Jeremy Lin, of the New York Knicks.  After one week of starting for the Knicks he has become the story of this season, so I decided I would see for myself.  Lakers vs....

Today is not just about today

Have you ever had a bad day and racked your brain in an attempt figure out what went wrong?  Well, I have been there many times, and what I’ve come to realize is if I am reflecting only on today more than likely I will not find the root of my bad day.  My...