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How Great Are You Going To Be?

How Great Are You Going To Be?

Are you at a critical point in your life?  The point where you can move forward, fight, and be/do something great? It is in you, as each one of us has tremendous potential to be great and to do great things. Sometimes we need a little encouragement as we face...

Married Life with Kids

Married life with kids has changed my wife and I in a major way.  I like to joke that the first decade of 2000 was our “baby making” decade.  Still not sure if my wife likes when I say that or not. We started off in 2000 with our first child, and ended in...
Your Life…A Courageous Life

Your Life…A Courageous Life

Are you courageously living life?  Or are you passively dying?  I came across a quote, that really had me thinking.  Is it easier to passively live our lives?  To take the easy route?  To live beneath the way we truly desire? Although it may be easier, it is...


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