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7 Promises to Help You Get Through Family Issues


Family issues happen to everyone.  Sometimes we bring them on ourselves.  Other times they happen through no fault of our own.  Our family has had one of these experiences this week.  I have to admit it has been a long week.

If you are following me on Twitter, or connected with me on Facebook then you probably know what I am talking about.  I posted a few updates and pics.  Many of you have been praying for me and my family based on the updates you’ve read.  Thank you, I appreciate everyone of you and your prayers!

Family issues are part of family life

For those that are not familiar it has definitely been a challenging week.  We experienced a waterline break in our neighborhood causing us to temporarily be without water.  This happened to be on the worst morning possible for our family.

Later that day we had to take our three-year old the ER due to coughing and breathing complications.  This led to him being admitted to the hospital for a day and a half.  When we left he was prescribed a daily, “preventative”, medication.

Those who know me best, know I am not happy about this.  In short, I am not a fan of the reactive, medicate for everything, don’t consider other factors healthcare approach of today.

Help getting through your family issues

It was a rough stretch, but I knew we’d get through.  Knowing our family is not the only one facing challenges I thought I’d share a few things to encourage you and your family when you have family issues.

If you have family issues of any kind, big ones, little ones, and all in between, be encouraged.  You, too, will get through.

7 promises to help you get through family issues

  1. You are unbeatable because God is always with you! [Tweet this] (from Joshua 1:5)
  2. Things are working together and good results will come from them. (from Romans 8:28)
  3. Despite the way life may look, you are a winner! [Tweet this] (from Romans 8:37)
  4. God wants to help you, and He will if you ask Him. (from Psalm 55:22 and 1 Peter 5:7)
  5. Even in tough times, good things are happening. (from Psalm 112:4)
  6. God’s grace is enough and His power is strongest when we are weakest. (from 2 Corinthians 12:9)
  7. The challenges you face now, pale in comparison to the blessings you’ll receive. [Tweet this] (from Romans 8:18)

The promises God made in these verses encourage me, and can do the same for you.  Read them, ask God what they mean and how they apply in your family life, and refer to them frequently.  Whatever you are going through, you will get through it.  I am rooting for you!

Question:  What encouraging words do you have for families with life issues today.  Be encouraging and share in the comment section below. 

photo credit: FutUndBeidl via photopin cc

Feb 28, 2013


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