Why You Should Have Life and Family Goals


One of my favorite bible verses says “where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18 KJV).  What that verse says is without being able to see where you are going, you will have no life.  Your life and family goals are the vision for your life and family.  Families who set life goals will be full of life, those who don’t will not.

Blogging for me has been a huge growth tool.  I have never been a big talker, and have always been pretty private.  My wife, before marriage, used to call me “Mr. Mysterious” because it was very difficult for me to share.

No more Mr. Mysterious

Well, as you see, blogging has brought out a brand new side of me!   Even to the point where I’ve shared some of my most personal thoughts, including my life and family goals.

This post is one from my series of my most popular posts.  After 265+ posts I realize some of you, who are new to my site, may have missed some of my most popular posts.  So, over the next 5-10 days I will republish the top posts from my blog, and the sites I contribute to on a regular basis.  During this time I will be finishing up some exciting projects which will help you grow as a family leader.  Enjoy and GET ready for some new stuff in May!

Writing down your life goals will encourage you and motivate you

The title for this post, from my series of most popular post is “80 Goals That Provide Motivation for Me…My Life Goals

The post breaks my goals down into the vital areas and roles in my life, and even includes some fun, “bucket list” type of goals.  You can use this format when you begin to write your life goals.

Below is an excerpt of the post:

My hope for you in sharing my goals is that you will be inspired to dream bigger than ever, that you will be bold enough to pursue your goals, and if you have never set life goals, after you finish reading this post you will sit down and start the process of writing your life goals.  As you read my goals you will get a deeper look at me and discover what drives me, what scares me, and what challenges me.  Hopefully this doesn’t scare you off!  Ha!  😉

What I have learned from reviewing my goals is many of my goals are not possible for me to reach–as the person I am today.  The only way I will be able to reach these goals is to continue to grow and to continue to become better.  One of the best parts of writing my goals down and pursuing them is the person that I will become through this process.  I may reach all of my goals, or I may not.  By pursuing them I know I will get closer and closer to reaching my full potential and becoming everything God created me to be.  That is a tremendous benefit!

Click here to read the full post, and join the conversation.

Question:  How do you think having written life goals will help in living life to the fullest?  Please share in the comment section below.

photo credit: lululemon athletica via photopin cc

May 8, 2013