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We All Should Be Entrepreneurs


“The pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.”

This is how Harvard Business School professor Howard Stevenson defines entrepreneurship.  This is one of the best descriptions of an entrepreneur that I have come across.  As I continued to read it and say it aloud in an attempt to better understand, I couldn’t help but think it applies to more than the world of business.  If we take the entrepreneurship approach to many of the things we encounter in life we will be more fulfilled and achieve more of the results we hope for.  We all should be entrepreneurs!

Entrepreneurs have vision.  Entrepreneurs take action.  Entrepreneurs follow faith over fear. Entrepreneurs pursue their passions.  Because of this entrepreneurs are basically unstoppable.  Some of you may be saying, “it is risky to live like that, entrepreneurs are risky and I don’t like risk.”  If you said that then you are more of an entrepreneur than you think.  Entrepreneurs don’t like risk either, which is why they have investors put up capital, partners contribute experience, and lenders finance growth.  They identify what needs to be done, determine the process, and put together a team who share the vision.  When it is done all can enjoy the future payoff.

No matter the opportunity you are pursuing, whether progress in your marriage, achieving more on your job, or pursuing your dream of owning your business I encourage you to take the entrepreneurship approach. Focus on what is possible and move forward in pursuit, regardless of any lack of resources or perceived roadblocks.  Don’t let anything stop you.  GET better results. GET more fulfillment.  Be an entrepreneur!

Feb 17, 2012


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