The BIG and little Moments in Fatherhood


Living in the social media age we get to see into the lives of our families and friends like never before. A quick scroll through my Facebook feed reveals some of the BIG moments my family and friends have been up to. We all share big events, cool things we’ve experienced, and major accomplishments.

Social media is not the complete picture

Those BIG moments are awesome, and usually get a lot of likes, shares, and clicks. But what I’m learning is those moments are held up by a lot of little moments, that might not be social media “worthy.” Without those little moments the big moments may never happen, nor be as enjoyable. Especially in fatherhood.

For example, I wrote a post on about an event my son, Jackson, and I attended a couple years ago. The event was put on by All Pro Dad and the Indianapolis Colts.  It was a pretty big deal, as it isn’t everyday your son gets to play and interact with you on the same field his favorite NFL football team has their practices.

That was one of those big moments I thought would be cool to share. But there were tons of small interactions, little moments, between me and my son that made that big event so amazing.

All Pro Dad knows the little moments are important

Since that day two years ago, I’ve stayed connected and followed the work they are doing with All Pro Dad. They put on amazing events and programs, but what I’ve learned is they really understand the importance of the little moments when it comes to fatherhood.

The little moments like huddling up with your kids daily. The little moments like being present in your kids’ lives at school. And the little moments like learning to love your family well.

Father and kid relationships are built moment by moment

Those BIG events are awesome, and all us dads and our kids love them. They are like the celebration of all we do.

What my social media friends and followers don’t see as much are the little moments, like me and my kids praying together nightly. Or answering a pressing question one of my kids has. Helping them learn something new.  Or nightly bath times, and even the daily disciplining and redirecting we do as dads.

Those little moments are really what makes fatherhood special. All Pro Dad has put together so many wonderful resources, tools, and content that helps foster these types of relationships building activities with our kids. Even their big events are based on little moments and interactions between the dads and their kids.

All Pro Dad teams up with the Colts for Fathers and Kids

This Saturday my kids and I are going to this year’s All Pro Dad Father and Kids Experience with the Colts. We are all really looking forward to it! And because I’ve done some work for All Pro Dad, and I support what they do, I’ve been asked to help with the event.

So, this year we’ll not only get to spend time together at a fun event, but we’ll get access to things not everyone will have. That is cool, and it makes my kids think I’m a cool dad!  🙂

Another cool thing about it all is I get to share some of the benefits with you. I am able to offer a FREE registration for you and your kids. The event is from 1:30pm-4:30pm this Saturday the 14th, in Indianapolis at the Colts practice facility. If you don’t have plans already, I wouldn’t miss it with your kids. Just click this link for more details and your FREE registration.

Hopefully I’ll see you there!

What are some of the most memorable little things you did with your dad? And what little things are you now doing with your kids? Please share in the comments below.

photo credit: GordonsPictures via photopin cc

Dec 11, 2013


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