by Jackie Bledsoe | Apr 25, 2012 | Faith, PerseveRING
I posted last week “One Thing That Ends All Your Excuses.” As I was viewing some videos on YouTube today I came across this video that illustrates even more why our excuse making needs to end. If you are still making excuses, let this video encourage you...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Feb 24, 2012 | PerseveRING, Raising Kids
Homeschool dad…that was something I never would have imagined as being one of my roles. Yet, over the past 8 months I have embraced it and am really glad that I can be called a homeschool dad. It has been great to be so involved in the teaching and training of...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Feb 13, 2012 | Faith, PerseveRING
pos•si•ble = Adjective: able to be done; within the power or capacity of someone or something. How many times are we discouraged by the level of difficulty or amount of time it takes to accomplish something? As I began thinking about my upcoming week and the many...