by Jackie Bledsoe | May 23, 2013 | Restoration, RestoRING
Being married is wonderful in the fact you have someone there with you, and for you, at all times. It is a reciprocal relationship. Sometimes you are in need of encouragement. Sometimes you need to encourage your spouse. I was in need of encouragement earlier this...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Dec 1, 2012 | Faith, ProspeRING
Are you at a critical point in your life? The point where you can move forward, fight, and be/do something great? It is in you, as each one of us has tremendous potential to be great and to do great things. Sometimes we need a little encouragement as we face...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Aug 8, 2012 | MentoRING, Raising Kids
One of the common misconceptions of homeschooling is that you sit at home all day without any outside interaction for the kids or parents. You are “home alone” trying to create a learning experience and educational tools by yourself. Although this is not...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Jul 16, 2012 | Faith, ProspeRING
Do you celebrate when you accomplish something? Not just your big monster goals, but the little ones along the way? Most people do when they achieve something major, but few do when they accomplish something “minor.” How about when somebody else...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Jun 4, 2012 | MentoRING, Raising Kids
en•cour•age = Adjective: give support, confidence, or hope to (someone) I consider myself someone who encourages people. I actually believe that is one the gifts God has given me…the gift of encouragement. I had an incident last week, with my daughter, in...