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My Homeschooling Mission Statement Article Featured in The Educator’s Room Online Magazine


I recently became a writer for the first online magazine made for educators, The Educator’s Room.  I’ll be writing articles from my experience as a parent and teacher of homeschoolers, as well my experience as a trained homeschool tutor.

The Educator’s Room is a place where ALL educators can get valuable education resources.  On a daily basis, innovative, fresh, and thought provoking articles will be available to parents and teachers who need them.  I’m excited to join the other writers, and be one of the few writing on the topic of homeschooling.

My first article was published this month.  Since is it was my first post, I thought it would be good to set a good foundation.  I discussed mission statements for homeschoolers, answering the ‘what‘, the ‘why‘, and the ‘how‘ of homeschool mission statements.

Almost every successful company,  organization, and institution has a mission statement.  Apple, Nike, the YMCA, Harvard, and Stanford all have mission statements.  All are some of the most successful organizations and institutions in the world…So, if successful organizations, institutions, and successful individuals have mission statements, should homeschoolers have mission statements?  Yes, if we want them to thrive, to flourish, and to have a great educational foundation for our children.  Below I share what a homeschooling mission statement can do and how you can create one.

Click here to read the full article, and share your thoughts in the comment section.

Question: What valuable education resources do you use for your family?  Please share in the comment section below.

Sep 12, 2012


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