3 Ways to Love, Lead, and Launch Your Kids


[callout]This is a guest post from Jaicey Bledsoe. Jaicey is a film student (and my daughter!), with a passion to share stories through writing, acting, and film production. Jaicey will be going on her first missions trip next month and to say I’m proud of her is the understatement of the year! Check out Jaicey’s blog where you can catch up on her latest film and missions projects.[/callout]

How much influence do you think you really have on your kids?

Have you ever wondered what long-term impact your parenting is having?

Ever been worried about the kinds of choices your kids will make when they are on their own?

My parents have been a huge influence on my growth. They created a safe place and have encouraged my faith for as long as I can remember.

However, they did not force Christianity on me, which I believe has given me the opportunity to grow deeper in my relationship with Jesus. It allowed me to choose Jesus for myself and make my relationship with Him personal rather than ritualistic.

[callout]This month Jaicey is doing something we are super excited about! And super proud of her for choosing to do so. Keep reading to find out. Or if you can’t wait, click here to immediately find out more info. UPDATE: Jaicey raised enough money to fund her mission trip plus enough to help fund some of her team members. Thank you for your support and prayers![/callout]

Here are three ways they have fostered that in me.

1 – They show me His love

All throughout my life, my parents have been some of the most fun and loving parents ever. They aren’t perfect, and sometimes I don’t agree with the things they do or say, but I know they try to love me with His love to the best of their ability.

Often, people my age don’t think hanging out with their parents and showing affection toward them is ‘cool’ or socially acceptable, but I think pretty much the opposite. I love hanging out with my parents and will gladly introduce them to my friends.

2 – They lead me by example

I am a student leader in Fishers and Hamilton Southeastern High School’s Cru chapter, I serve on the Dream Team at my church, and I was a Vacation Bible School camp counselor for several years.

My interest and love of serving was taught. My parents have always served in some capacity at church, and in our community. Because of this, I don’t find serving a burden, rather I enjoy and look forward to it.

It is normal to serve and feels rewarding. If I hadn’t grown up in a household where my parents actually did what they want me to do, and are teaching me to do, I could have a very different outlook on what it means to serve.

3 – They launch me in faith

From March 24th to March 31st I will be in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico on a mission trip with Cru. This is my first mission trip and I am very excited for the opportunity.

[callout]Instead of going to party at the beach for Spring Break, Jaicey and 13 other students are going to serve the people in Puerto Rico. Will you partner with them to help them complete this mission? Click here to donateUPDATE: Jaicey raised enough money to fund her mission trip plus enough to help fund some of her team members. Thank you for your support and prayers![/callout]

My parents have equipped me with tools I can use to share the Gospel and defend my faith, and with those tools, I am going somewhere I’ve never been, to get to know people I’ve never met, and do things I’ve never done.

I have been given the opportunity to use my gifts of communication and companionship to make a difference in people’s lives, both here and for eternity.

Your vital influence…their unique mission

My parents and mentors have fostered an excitement about telling others how my personal relationship with Jesus has changed my life and can change theirs. Without that influence, I probably wouldn’t have been interested in missions other than for the fact that I get to travel.

Every person is different, and just because an individual doesn’t feel called to serve in a specific capacity or to go on missions, does not mean they cannot make a difference in the world. These are a few ways you can encourage your kids, family members, friends, mentees, etc. to find their difference-making opportunities

When you love, lead, and launch like my parents have done, you will influence your kids and have them ready to take on the world.

[reminder]What’s your biggest concern with launching your kids?[/reminder]

[callout]Will you partner with Jaicey and her fellow Cru missionaries? Each student must raise $2,000 to fund their mission. Jaicey has raised $1,258 (as of March 13th). She is almost there. Your partnership can help her get there! Click here to partner with Jaicey and her fellow missionariesUPDATE: Jaicey raised enough money to fund her mission trip plus enough to help fund some of her team members. Thank you for your support and prayers![/callout]

Mar 14, 2018


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