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Great Content Online to Help Lead Your Family Better


There is a ton of content online for your reading and viewing pleasure.  It consumes a lot of my time, and I am sure it consumes a lot of yours.  After all, we are in the information age.  But is this all a waste of our time, or does it provide some value in our lives?

There may be many reasons why you view a web page, click a link, or consume content online.  You can be entertained, educated, make purchases, or even find a job.  A lot of the content I check out online is to help me get better in some aspect of my life.  One area I constantly strive to improve is as a family leader.

Growing as a family leader

As a blogger, who blogs about Growing Family Leaders, I consume a lot, I repeat–a lot–of content about leadership, family, marriage, and parenting.  I subscribe to close to 200 different websites and blogs.  But I do have a few favorites.  Favorites which I check daily,  or a least a few days per week.

Reading and leading go hand in hand

I have heard the phrases “leaders are readers” and “readers are leaders” too many times to count.  And those statements are completely true!  Those who read give themselves the knowledge to become leaders.

When you lead, you must read to continue the pattern of growth needed to continue leading successfully. [Tweet this]

The same with a family leader.  Below I have listed several of my favorite sites online today.  These sites have all helped me tremendously.  In different ways they all help me be a better family leader.  Just as they do for me, these sites can help you be a better family leader.

15 sites with great content to help you lead your family better

  1. – Daily information and videos on how to be a better dad.
  2. – Practical information on leadership that can be used in your personal and professional life.
  3. – Valuable information to help become a better husband and dad.
  4. – Standing for healthy, functional marriages, while helping your marriage.
  5. – Sharing their personal story of saving their marriage, helping you restore hope and renew your relationship.
  6. – Leadership lessons to help you in life and ministry.
  7. – Leadership from a spiritual perspective helping you be your best spiritual and family leader
  8. – Compassionate stories which inspire your creativity, and spark a fire to make a change.
  9. – Encouraging husbands to lead your family according to the gospel.
  10. – Helping you lead a significant life, and one which God desires you to live.
  11. – Helping 20- and 30-somethings live with intention by showing God is relevant in all aspects of life.
  12. – Helping you help your kids be the best athletes they can be.
  13. – Largest site of its kind on the web, showing positive images of marriage and sharing practical content to help your marriage.  I am a staff writer for the site.  You can find my marriage and parenting articles here.
  14. – Helping athletes reach their full potential by connecting them with private coaches.  I am an article writer for the site.  You can find my sports parenting and youth mentorship posts here.
  15. – The first online magazine for educators, improving education by creating dialogue with teaching experts.  I am a contributing writer for the site.  You can find my homeschooling articles here.

Are you the best (you can be)?

If your goal is the be the best husband, the best dad, the best family leader you can be then I suggest you add some regular reading, listening, and viewing to each day.  The list above can get you started.  Check them out.  Many of the sites have valuable, yet free tools and resources you can get just by sharing your email address.

Question: What sites did I miss?  In the comment section below please share some great content and websites which help grow as a family leader.

Photo Credit: HASLOO via Compfight cc

Apr 11, 2013


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