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Giving Thanks Today and Everyday


I’m cleaning the cob webs off my web site today. Although I’ve been very busy I haven’t posted on my blog in over a month. You may not have noticed because I have been writing, and writing, and writing all over the place. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to write, and for other people and organizations to trust me to write for them.

So, today I just wanted to say, “Hey! I’m still here writing away!” Below I share some of the sites I’ve been writing for, and some of the posts I’ve written. Through all this writing I was even asked to be on a live show, two times!

I am thankful for every one of these opportunities and the people who have opened the doors to them.  Below is the list of some of

  1. Lamar Tyler, Ronnie Tyler, and The first site that ever ask me to write for them. I consider the call I got from Lamar my first big break, which opened the door to many more opportunities.
  2. CoachUp. When I was contacted and ask to write about sports and my experiences coaching my kids and other youth athletes I was like, “are you kidding me?”. I am a “sports head” so this was right up my alley!
  3. Disney’s Babble. Disney is big in our house! Birthday trips to Disney, Disney movies, and now Disney and Marvel together! This was a pretty big deal when I got this opportunity. I am even a nominee for the Babble 100 Best Bloggers of 2013.
  4. USA Football and the Heads Up Football Program. Just like the opportunity to write for Disney, this was HUGE! USA Football is the governing body of football. We love watching and playing football, and now I get to write about it! Cool!
  5. Adam Smith and When Adam contacted me and asked me to be included with a group of “expert” writers on his blog I was truly humbled. I don’t consider myself an expert, but Adam saw something different. I”m thankful he did and for the opportunity he’s given me.
  6. Devin Dabney and Connected Homeschooling. Devin gave me the opportunity to do my first podcast interview. As I have plans to launch a podcast in the future I was thankful he opened the door for me to guest and share my homeschooling experience.
  7. HuffPost Live. All of the work I put in writing for sites other than my own exposed me to people all over the web. And eventually landed me on HuffPost Live. Not once but two times in three days!
  8. Darrin Gray and Darrin invited me to cover an amazing event with All Pro Dad, Sunday Night Football on NBC, and a school district in the Indianapolis area. I thankful for the opportunity and the people I met.
  9. Christine St. Vil and Although I didn’t write or do a podcast, I was interviewed by Christine about my homeschooling experience. I am thankful Christine allowed me to share with her and other Moms N Charge.
  10. My family. I know I don’t write for my family, but most of my writing is about experiences I have with them. They allow me to do so, and now have kind of embraced it. Sometimes my kids will ask what I’m writing about or give me suggestions, not to mention all the photos they pose for to be posted online. Without my family none of the above would be possible!

As you eat up your turkey today, or fight for position in line for “early” Black Friday (I have so much to say about that, but another time), remember to think of all the wonderful people and things in you life you are thankful for.

Please share one thing you are thankful for this Thanksgiving in the comment section below.

photo credit: mimitalks, married, under grace via photopin cc

Nov 28, 2013


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