How Would You Handle Infidelity in Your Marriage?


Last night I stayed up and watched the first few episodes of Scandal (on DVD) with my wife.  I began watching the series with her before the last season ended.  I’ve caught some of the social media conversation when new episodes were still on.

People are completely caught up and captivated by this show that revolves around an adulterous relationship a woman has with the POTUS.  The following is almost cult like.  I am not sure if you watch Scandal.  But it makes me wonder how would you handle infidelity in your marriage.

The tough issues in your marriage must be addressed

Today, my article about a short film titled, Cheaters!, is the featured article on BMWK’s site (if you have found my site through my featured article on BMWK, please check out the marriage related articles and posts here on my site).

The short film, created by The Marriage Pressure Points Ministry, is an emotional look into a marriage going through infidelity.  Who knows, you may get caught up in it just like you do watching Scandal.  Below is an excerpt of the post:

Infidelity in marriage is no laughing matter, and there are some serious emotions and consequences that come as a result.  The Marriage Pressure Points Ministry is doing a phenomenal job of creating short films around some of the toughest marriage issues a couple can face.  Their short film, Cheater!,  jumps right into the life and emotions of a couple dealing with infidelity in their marriage.

As you watch this short film, you will feel the emotion.  If you have dealt with infidelity in your relationship, you will probably relate to it all.  If you have not dealt with infidelity, you may find yourself asking the questions…

Click here to read the full post, and to watch the short film.

Question: How would you handle infidelity in your marriage?

Jun 26, 2013