Work With Me

I love nothing more than spending time with my family and being the best husband and father I can be. I know leading and loving my family is the best thing I can do. If this sounds like you, we need to connect.

Leading and loving those who matter most is not easy at all, and I make a ton of mistakes. I’ve been the beneficiary of learning from the successes and mistakes of other men like me, which has encouraged me to share those lessons with others.

Below are eight ways you can learn from my knowledge and experiences, the good, bad, ugly, and amazing. I have arranged the ways you can work with in order, from those that require the least investment to those that require the most.

  1. Search my site. I have written more than 400 blog posts on this site. Chances are, I have already addressed your question or issue. Just use the search box in the upper right-hand corner of this page. My weekly web show is another free resource.
  2. Subscribe to my updates. I currently publish at least two new blog posts a week, along with a new web show. I write about marriage, parenting, family leadership, homeschooling, and sports parenting. By subscribing, you’ll get my latest thinking delivered straight to your inbox. Click here to subscribe…
  3. Watch my weekly web show. I co-host a weekly web show, called the 7 Rings of Marriage Web Show. My wife and I go on live every Sunday evening, and share an interview with another couple or marriage expert who has an inspiring story and lessons, which gives couples hope and the practical actions that will help us all have lasting and fulfilling marriages. Learn where and how to watch the show…
  4. Advertise on my site or web show. I offer a limited amount of advertising, limited to products or services that I use or organizations and individuals that I trust and believe in. If you have a product, service, or event that would be of value to my community I’d love to share it with them. I offer many options: banner ads, sponsored content, and video commercials during our weekly web show. Learn more…
  5. Buy my book or curriculum. You have to wait for this one. My book, The 7 Rings of Marriage, will be released in 2016. In addition, a curriculum for small groups and churches, based on the stories and lessons taught in the book, will be available at the same time. To learn more about the book, it’s release date, as well as receive special opportunities related to the book click here.
  6. Hire me as a writer. I have been writing for my site and numerous other sites for the past three years. I’ve written over a thousand blog posts, articles, and emails on subjects related to family. Some of my current and past writing clients include All Pro Dad, Disney’s Babble, Black and Married With Kids, USA Football, and CoachUp. I also contribute to or have had my writing featured on Huffington Post, Good Men Project, and Michael Hyatt. Learn more about my writing…
  7. Book me as a speaker. I’ve honed my speaking skills through various ways: coaching, teaching, hosting my weekly web show, interviewing well-known athletes and celebrities, being interviewed, as well as Toastmasters. I’ve spoken at events sponsored by the Indianapolis Colts, presented at a national tech conference, and was interviewed and featured in a video series for a New York Times bestselling author. Learn more about my speaking…
  8. Hire me as a coach. I love teaching and coaching. I believe it is one of my gifts. Unfortunately, I have limited time available for it. Therefore, I am very selective. I offer marriage coaching as well as coaching for platform builders and bloggers. My marriage coaching can be one-on-one, or couple to couple (where my wife and I coach you and your spouse together). If you think you or your marriage could benefit from coaching, click here to learn more.

If you have something else in mind, other than what I have outlined, please fill out the form below. Someone on my team will promptly respond.

[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’Work with me form – Can I pick your brain?’][contact-field label=’First %26amp; Last Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’What do you have in mind?’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]