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Why is Family and Work Life Balance So Hard?


I meet with a group of guys every other week as part of a mastermind group. None of us have met in person, only online. All of us have wives, multiple kids, and our families are very important to us. We are also all creating content geared toward helping other families.

Family, Work, Life, Balance…is HARD!

Today, we all discussed the pull on men to spend more time outside of the home working on our careers to ultimately provide for our families. Many people call this family or work life balance, and we all agreed it is hard.

As we talked we realized we aren’t any different than any other man with a family. Most men wholeheartedly accept the responsibility of providing for our families. One way we are trying to be different, and what has brought us together, is we are fighting to not just accept this practice of sacrificing time with our family in pursuit of ways to provide.

Instead we are intentionally fighting against the grain to not sacrifice the time with our family in pursuit of this. It is so easy for us to spend so much time working to provide. All of us battle this thing constantly. I can only speak for myself in saying I fall short in this area a lot. And it is frustrating as all get out!

Frustrated but determined to win

That frustration and my inability to solve that problem is what led me to blogging in the beginning, and keeps me creating content for other husbands, dads, and men like me. I’ve written a book about it, called the Family Leader Manifesto.


In the book I reveal three things that men can do to help them win this battle of “work life balance” and help them love and lead their families in a way that leaves them without regrets. If you haven’t read my book yet, I encourage you to check it out. I’m giving it away free to my blog readers and email subscribers.

I’d love your feedback on the book. I’m planning to start a podcast based on the same challenges. In the podcast I’ll be interviewing other men (and some women) who have had some success in this area.  I’d love to know what specific topics you’d like me to discuss here on my blog, and in the future on my podcast.

If there was one area you’d like to improve on when it comes to family, work and life balance what would it be?

photo credit: procsilas via photopin cc

May 14, 2014


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