by Jackie Bledsoe | Mar 12, 2018 | Raising Kids
I recently made the decision to turn off all the notifications on my cell phone. I just reached the point where I was overwhelmed. No matter what time of day, no matter what I was doing, and no matter where I was I just kept getting interrupted. Notifications...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Feb 20, 2018 | MentoRING, Raising Kids
Being a parent is one of the most important jobs in the world. I think we can all agree on that. One thing that may differ, is what is the most important aspect of our parental “job description.” If I polled you right now, I’d probably get a...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Jan 16, 2018 | Raising Kids, RestoRING
I have been reading some of the books from the Dave Ramsey team lately. In Dave Ramsey’s book, “EntreLeadership,” and Jon Acuff’s book, “Quitter,” the topic of employee stealing is discussed. As I read it and realized I have been...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Jan 2, 2018 | MentoRING, Raising Kids
New technology has created a new norm for today’s modern family. We have things at our fingertips that we’ve never had before. But we also have challenges that we’ve never had before. Is technology beneficial in bringing your family together? Or is...
by Jackie Bledsoe | May 8, 2017 | Raising Kids
When it comes to my fatherhood report card I think I’m getting a passing grade. I may be better than some, but I still have a ton of room for improvement. There is that constant battle of my good intentions against what I’m actually doing. My concern: Is what I’m...