by Jackie Bledsoe | Apr 26, 2013 | DiscoveRING, Raising Kids
Love can make you do things you never thought you would do. It can drive you to accomplish things you never thought possible. It can also convince you to do some really dumb stuff. Some say, “Love makes the world go round.” Nike has created a fun video...
by Jackie Bledsoe | May 17, 2012 | ProspeRING, Raising Kids
We are at the halfway point of the #GETActive30 Day Challenge, and those that are participating are getting tremendous results. For those that aren’t familiar with the challenge, we have committed to 30 minutes of physical activity everyday in the month of...
by Jackie Bledsoe | May 1, 2012 | Faith, Raising Kids
Today is May 1st the first day of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month (NPFSM), and Day 1 of the GET Active 30 Day Challenge! For those of you that have already joined in I am excited to GET active with you this month, and for those that haven’t joined us...