by Jackie Bledsoe | Jan 27, 2015 | Faith, ProspeRING
So, this past Sunday, I hit the big 4-0. I’m gonna let that sink in for a minute (let it sink in for me, not you). I am now 40-years-old. I’m not sure what to say about it. I honestly didn’t think it was going to be that big of a deal. I’ve never been big on milestone...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Jan 25, 2013 | DiscoveRING, Raising Kids
Today, January 25th, is my 38th birthday. Wow (pause for reflection). I have experienced life in 5 different decades. I am 13,880 days old. Yes, I took the time to calculate. Well, not really, I just used a calculator online. I have experienced a lot during my 38...