by Jackie Bledsoe | May 1, 2017 | Faith, RestoRING
One of the biggest challenges in marriage is being on the same page with your spouse. Many couples have asked how to get on the same page with your spouse. When two different people, from two different backgrounds, usually with two different ways of doing things come...
by Guest | Dec 18, 2014 | Restoration, RestoRING
[guestpost]This is a guest post from Kimunya Mugo. Kimunya helps to inspire, motivate and equip individuals, businesses and organizations to explore their true Identity, unleash the Leader in them and build a transformational Legacy. He and his wife Harriette, the...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Jul 5, 2012 | Dating, MentoRING
A majority of marriages end in divorce. That is the sad truth. Statistics say at least half of all marriages do not make it. That bothers me, as I am very passionate about marriage, and hate to see marriages end. However, I do love when I see marriages that last...