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GET Ready for Success…It is Coming!

GET Ready for Success…It is Coming!

Are you ready for success?  If you reached your goal would you be able to handle it? I read that over 70% of lottery winners go broke within a few years.  Before you begin the “smh” (shaking my head), answer this.  Have you ever hoped for something, had it...
A Declaration: I am a…..

A Declaration: I am a…..

I just finished reading a great book by Jeff Goins, and joined him on a 15-day Writing Challenge (side note: this happens to be the 2nd writing Challenge I am participating in this month).  Jeff’s Challenge is designed to help writers, like myself, master the...
Own Your Life or It Will Own You

Own Your Life or It Will Own You

Have you ever felt at the end of the day you did not accomplish anything that you wanted to accomplish?  Are you dissatisfied with the way you look or feel?  Do you find yourself wishing you were able to spend more quality time with your spouse or loved one?  If you...
Making a MAJOR Lifestyle Change

Making a MAJOR Lifestyle Change

Alright I am finally going to do it!  I have been considering making this change for a few years now, and I have finally made a decision to see it through.  I knew at some point I would finally go through with it, and I have to say I am very excited about it, yet I...


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