by Jackie Bledsoe | May 23, 2012 | Faith, PerseveRING
It’s Wednesday, otherwise known as “Hump Day”. Many of us are trying to get over the mid-week hump and finish the week. Others are trying to get over the hump of some major challenge in our lives. Below is an inspiring video that will encourage...
by Jackie Bledsoe | May 4, 2012 | Raising Kids
We are 4 days into the #GETActive30 Day Challenge, and we are all off to a great start! Yet, it’s early so I know we will encounter challenges that will try to keep us from our daily activity. One of the biggest challenges to exercising on a daily basis for...
by Jackie Bledsoe | Mar 2, 2012 | DiscoveRING, Raising Kids
The success of Tim Tebow has had a positive impact on families choosing to homeschool their children while pursuing athletics for them as well. Since being a homeschool dad I have noticed many similarities in homeschool education and athletic training. Those...