Is Your Marriage Boring?


Your marriage is supposed to be boring right?  Once you settle down, get married, and have kids all the fun stops.  I…don’t…think…so!  Unfortunately many marriages are in fact boring.  Not only that, they’ve accepted a boring marriage.  I don’t know about you, but I’m not accepting a boring marriage.  I’m not accepting anything, but an amazing marriage!

A passion for marriage

My passion for marriage has been developed over years of ups and downs in our marriage, as well as witnessing the failed marriages of close friends and family.  My wife and I agreed we didn’t want our marriage to fail, no matter how many ups and downs we experienced.

As I’ve been writing over the past couple years I’ve been able to meet and work with some amazing people who share the same passion for marriage, parenting, and family leadership.  Most recently I connected with Adam Smith, editor and writer of  Adam’s site has been inspiring to me, and helpful to all who want to live a purposeful life.

My new weekly relationships column

Adam is pretty influential in the space he occupies online, so I was surprised, humbled, and excited when he asked me to be a weekly contributor on his site.  Not only will I get to help more people sharing my experience and ideas about relationships, but I’ll also get to connect and learn from Adam and some other expert writers in the leadership and purposeful living space.

You can do the same by reading my weekly column each week, and checking out what Adam and the other writers are sharing.  My first post was published today, and is intended to help all those boring marriages out there.

So hop over to to read my first post, Why Your Marriage is Boring.  Make sure you bookmark the site, and come back each Monday to read my column.

Are you having fun in your marriage?  Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Aug 19, 2013


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