How Great Are You Going To Be?

How Great Are You Going To Be?

Are you at a critical point in your life?  The point where you can move forward, fight, and be/do something great? It is in you, as each one of us has tremendous potential to be great and to do great things. Sometimes we need a little encouragement as we face...
Going Offline: How Long Could You Last?

Going Offline: How Long Could You Last?

When is the last time you went offline or unplugged?  The last time you have gone without internet, phone, TV, or any media?  Probably before cell phones were common! LOL  This weekend I will be offline and completely unplugged. Not by choice.  I will be at an event...
What Does It Take To Get You To Change?

What Does It Take To Get You To Change?

The final Presidential Debate of this election is now over.  After months of campaigning, TV commercials, debates, rhetoric, flip-flopping, and “whoppers” we are now two weeks away from the 2012 election. President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have been...


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