A Father’s Day Party? Yes, I’m Hosting a Twitter Party and You’re Invited!


Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope. – Bill Cosby

Ahh the “ultimate” Father’s Day gag gift, soap-on-a-rope. As we all know, or at least we should, Father’s Day is this Sunday. I can admit that even as a dad, I don’t put too much thought into Father’s Day or recognizing it for my dad or other dads. And I usually don’t expect too much. My dad is exactly the same way.

Dads should embrace being celebrated

Listening to other dads or their wives, it seems this is common. Dads don’t do holidays, or birthdays when it comes to themselves. Why is that? We work hard at leading and loving our family. We work hard on our jobs. We should not just be “okay” with being celebrated, but we should embrace that.

Tonight we plan on getting to the bottom of that during the #BWBdads Twitter Party. I was asked to host the Twitter party by the sponsor, the Blogging While Brown Conference, and I reached out to some of my favorite dads on the internet. These are dads I highly respect, who share the same passion for their kids and families as I do mine.

A Father’s Day Party

Join us tonight, Thursday, June 12th from 9pm – 10pm EST, for a Father’s Day Twitter party. We’ll be discussing life as a dad, our ideal Father’s Day gifts, funny fatherhood moments, and all types of other dad stuff!

Throughout the party we’ll be giving away FREE Netflix subscriptions (Full Disclosure: I’m part of the Netflix Stream Team who is providing the subscriptions). Get one for yourself, or for a dad in your life!

I’m expecting it to be fun, enlightening, and encouraging for those in attendance. Follow the directions below to join the fun!

Tweet: Join @jbledsoejr @BWBConference and other #dads for the #BWBdads Twitter party 6/12 at 9pm -> http://jbled.so/BWBdads

How to join us at the Twitter party

  1. You’ll need to have a Twitter account. If you don’t have one you can sign up at twitter.com.
  2. It’s a good idea to follow our Twitter accounts for upcoming info (@jbledsoejr@BWBConference).
  3. Beginners can follow along during the Twitter party here (Tweet Chat): http://tweetchat.com/room/BWBdads

Party details

About Blogging While Brown

Blogging  While Brown is the premier blogging conference  dedicated to education, collaboration, and innovation among bloggers of  color. The conference brings Black social media experts, speakers, and  independent content creators together to educate, inspire, and expand  their influence in social media and technology. Along with panel discussions, keynotes,  and networking opportunities this 2 day event also includes blogger training workshops.

While primarily know for the annual conference, Blogging While Brown is more than that, it is a community – an incubator of creativity, collaboration and sustainability for emerging leaders in digital media and social change. In existence since 2007, their evolution has mirrored the explosion of social media’s impact in our daily lives.

If you plan to join us for tonight’s Twitter party, leave a comment with your Twitter handle in the comment section below.

Jun 12, 2014


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