5 Netflix Shows for Grown Kids (Dads) To Watch This Labor Day Weekend


The past few weeks I’ve taken some time to sit down and relax with my kids. The summer is closing up shop, and school will be starting soon. So, we’ve been enjoying a little extra R&R together. That has included a little bike riding, some trampoline jumping, and a lot of time watching shows on Netflix.

While taking breaks from my work (I work from home) I’ll stroll through the living room and catch a glimpse of them watching some of their favorite shows on TV. Most of the time I get caught up, and probably hang out too long. So, I finally decided a couple days last week, that I’d just dedicate some time to enjoy after finishing my work.

Like father like sons and daughter

What is really cool is that my sons, and my daughter, enjoy some of the same type of shows I used to watch. And what makes it even better is some of these shows have been rebooted or recreated today and are available on Netflix.

So, when my wife happens to be in the next room, or walks by, to her it looks like four kids watching — no thoroughly — enjoying some cartoons! When truly it is three kids, and one grown kid (me) spending time together. 😉

Whatever it looks like, it is fun for all of us. I’m thinking there are some other grown kids (dads) out there who like to sit down and enjoy some updated episodes of the shows they used to watch with their kids. So I decided to create a list of some of our (my) favorites to enjoy with your kids. What better weekend to do it, then Labor Day Weekend.

Transformers Prime

Our 80s version of this cartoon gets completely destroyed when compared to Transformers Prime on Netflix. This is a must see, and there are multiple seasons. Go ahead and binge watch over this Labor Day Weekend.

G.I. Joe

I have to admit, I wasn’t a big G.I. Joe cartoon fan as a kid. But this new version? I’m hooked! The story lines are completely different from what I remember, and of course the new graphics blow it out of the water.

Avengers Assemble

The Avengers movie, Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man movies all introduced our kids to this gang of super heroes. Each and everyone of those movies are great, and the anticipation of the next one makes it seem like forever before they are released. Well Avengers Assemble can help bridge that gap, and make the wait not too bad.

Ultimate Spiderman

Now you know this list wouldn’t be complete without Spidey on it. Any version of Spiderman is a favorite for our entire family. My wife even enjoyed a Spiderman movie with me not too long ago, which is a big step for her! 🙂 So, all the kids, grown and not grown, love Spiderman, and Netflix delivers with Ultimate Spidey!


This is a new one to me, and probably any other grown kids (dads) reading this post. But after watching a few episodes with my kids I found it pretty cool. I even got upset with my kids when they finished all the seasons without me. Now they have to remain silent until we are able to watch them over, together.

Labor Day is your chance to take some time off from working, and enjoy your family. If you binge watch some of your favorite cartoon episodes with your kids this weekend, I think it will be okay.

What are some of your favorite Netflix shows you enjoy with your kids?

[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”625px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Netflix_StreamTeam_Badge (1)This post is part of a partnership I have with Netflix. I am part of the Netflix Stream Team, and will be sharing  posts throughout the year to inspire family time and conversations around the TV, tablet, and mobile devices.[/dropshadowbox]

photo credit: HackingNetflix via photopin cc

Aug 30, 2014