7 Rings Summit 2016 | Travis and Bre Brown

Meet Your Hosts

Jackie and Stephana Bledsoe are the creators and authors of the bestselling book, The 7 Rings of Marriage, which is based on a proven model for lasting and fulfilling marriages.

Their heart for marriage was forged through God’s grace in their own marriage, which has thrived through homelessness (twice!), job loss and money problems, loneliness, in-law and intimacy issues.​

They’ve been married since June 2011, are the proud parents of three amazing children, and have been nationally and internationally featured​ on NBC, The 700 Club & CBN, The Huffington Post, Moody Radio, and more! 

Meet Your Guest Experts

Travis and Bre Brown live in Indianapolis, IN, with their three children. They’re the co-founders of MojoUp, an organization dedicated to to empowering schools and communities to take a stand against bullying. Travis is recognized nationally as America’s Anti-Bullying Coach, has written six books, and is the creator of the Mojo Up Anti-Bullying Leadership program for schools. Bre is an educator in student leadership and development, and is the Director of School Counseling at Warren Central High School in Indianapolis.

Plus 20 More Experts Currently Available…


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