70+ People Who Say You Should Buy My New Book Now


Today is the official release date of my new book, The 7 Rings of Marriage: Your Model for a Lasting and Fulfilling Marriage. In addition to the book, I’m also releasing a new 8-session DVD-based Bible study in partnership with LifeWay Christian Resources called The 7 Rings of Marriage: Practical Biblical Wisdom For Every Season of Your Marriage.

Both are my first published resources, so today is an exceptionally special day for me. We created a complete page with information about the book, so I won’t spend time in this post telling you a whole lot about the book. You can just visit the web page we created.

Instead, I want to share some words from a few folks who were kind enough to endorse my book, and introduce you to the great people who joined my launch team and agreed to tell all their friends about the book. As I scanned through this list of launch team members, I realized I have some pretty cool people who have some great stuff to share as well.

On the book web page, I go into detail about why I wrote the book and how it can help married couples, engaged couples, or anyone who has a desire to get married one day. I also share a short Q&A video that my wife and I recorded at one of our recent speaking engagements.

[Tweet “The 7 Rings is for married couples, engaged couples, or anyone who wants to get married one day.”]

Here are seven of the endorsements we’ve received from some prominent marriage speakers, authors, counselors, and podcasters.

[endorsement cite=”Gary D. Chapman” byline=”Ph.D. author of The Five Love Languages”]The 7 Rings of Marriage is a unique approach to enriching your marriage. Marriages either grow or regress. They never stand still. This book will definitely help you have a growing marriage. I highly recommend it to couples of all ages.[/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”Michael Hyatt” byline=”New York Times bestselling author and blogger, MichaelHyatt.com”]I’ve been following Jackie’s story for a while now. Humble, insightful, and revealing, Jackie is more than an inspiration. He’s like a marriage GPS. His ‘7 Rings’ model can show you exactly where your relationship is and where it’s going. And it’s grounded in the kind of personal experience that proves the program.[/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”Thom S. Rainer” byline=”President and CEO, LifeWay Christian Resources”]I have been absolutely amazed to watch the trajectory of Jackie Bledsoe’s influence. He is quickly becoming the thought leader in matters of family and fatherhood. He is already an influence in my life. This book captures perfectly the mind and heart of Jackie. I predict it will become a classic in the ministry of marriage and parenting.[/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”Kevin B. Bullard” byline=”President, Marriage Works!, www.marriageworks.us”]Jackie Bledsoe was able to write this book only because he’s living it! I have been honored to be a part of Jackie’s life over the past few years, and I have seen him experience these various Rings of marriage that every couple encounters at some point. Pay close attention to what you read, then put it into practice. The result will be a better, more loving marriage that brings you years of pleasure.[/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”Mark and Susan Merrill” byline=”founders of Family First, All Pro Dad, and iMOM”]The 7 Rings of Marriage delivers a powerful message: husbands and wives can love one another as God intended, even during the tough times. Jackie gives specific guidelines to help us address the challenges in marriage that are sure to come, and shines a light on the safest path to progress.[/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”Justin and Trisha Davis” byline=”Authors of Beyond Ordinary: When a Good Marriage Just Isn’t Good Enough”]Every couple starts marriage with a lot of hope. We hope the longer we are married, the better our marriage will be. But for many couples that isn’t the case…Longer married doesn’t always equate to a better marriage. What I love about The 7 Rings of Marriage is the infusion of hope Jackie gives each of us in our marriage relationship. No matter where you are in your marriage you will find practical and insightful truths that move you closer to God and closer to the person you love most. Don’t just buy this book…read it, absorb it, and apply it.[/endorsement]

[endorsement cite=”Aaron and Jennifer Smith” byline=”founders of HusbandRevolution.com and Unveiledwife.com”]The 7 Rings of Marriage is a refreshing resource that has the power to help marriages in a really practical way. Jackie’s approach to helping married couples understand the state of their marriage and how they can move forward in their relationship is clearly explained as he describes each of the 7 rings. This book is timely. Our hope is that husbands and wives invest into their marriage by reading this book together, challenging themselves to continue on strong in their marriage.[/endorsement]

Here is the list of 60+ people who say you should buy my new book. Also known as The 7 Rings of Marriage Launch Team!

  1. Keli Reese – Ministry in Mothering
  2. LaShaune Springer
  3. Adam Rosenfeld – AdamLeeRosenfield.com
  4. Zee Dean – Uniquely Zee
  5. Sandra E Hampton
  6. Tim Parsons – TimandConsuela.com
  7. Natalie Annan
  8. Roy Valenzuela
  9. Philip Devine – PhilipDevine.com
  10. Nic Williams – NicWilliams.me
  11. Cherie Lowe – Queen of Free
  12. Kyle Shuberg – KyleShuberg.com
  13. Abby Kunes
  14. Brian J Lindner – Make Some Wonderful
  15. Tiffany Stephens – Young Wife and Mom
  16. Jimmy Proulx – PastorJimmyProulx.com
  17. Lindsey Hartz – LindseyHartz.com
  18. Jerry Dugan – TheRealJerryDugan.com
  19. Cory Peppler – Parenting Digital
  20. Jessica VanSumeren – Mama Revival Series
  21. Alex Colon – The Rebranded Life
  22. Mike Edwards – MikeEdwards.co.nz
  23. Edreece and Erika Redmond
  24. Carriann Cook
  25. Nathan Schlepp
  26. Tony DiLorenzo – ONE Extraordinary Marriage
  27. Enwongo Ettang – EnwongoEttang.com
  28. Kevin Bullard – Marriage Works!
  29. Christopher Carson
  30. Eric Dingler – EricDingler.com
  31. Matt Abid – Common Threads Printing
  32. Paul Daly
  33. Jason Miller
  34. Lester Harris – LesterHarris.com
  35. Kristin Bush – KristinDanielleBush.blogspot.com
  36. Kirby Ingles – KirbyIngles.com
  37. Chaley Clark – Autism Christian Mom
  38. Abria Green
  39. Dustin Riechmann – Engaged Marriage
  40. Harold Arnold – HaroldArnold.com
  41. Geoff Reese – Wake Up Your Why
  42. Devin Dabney – DevinDabney.com
  43. Marce Gomez – hoymejora.blogspot.mx
  44. Casey Craigie – CaseyCraigie.com
  45. Rob Thompson – RobertMacy.me
  46. Anita Mckaney – Wife Style Image Network
  47. Cynthia Greene
  48. Tricia Dixon – TriciaDixon.com
  49. Frederick Scott, Jr. – iGospel Share
  50. Susie Miller – SusieMiller.com
  51. Monica Hamilton
  52. LoveVelya Copeland
  53. Rachel Hairston
  54. Tracy Line – TracyLine.com
  55. Chris Phillips
  56. Heather Jones Rose
  57. Parker Waldrop – ParkerWaldrop.com
  58. Jason Hardin – In God’s Image
  59. Dr. Shante Bishop – Branding for Believers
  60. Erik Fenn
  61. Jay Mayo – Right to Real Love
  62. Jass Demease
  63. Douglas Boyce – Brite Idea Scouting
  64. Julie Sunne – JulieSunne.com
  65. Barb Waldron
  66. Jed Jurchenko – Coffee Shop Conversations
  67. Megan Mosley – The Thriving Self

What an amazing group of people who think the 7 Rings is worthy for you and other couples to read. I’m hoping you’ll pick up a copy yourself, and become part of the long list of endorsers and supporters who believe this.

[reminder]If you have already started to read ‘The 7 Rings of Marriage,’ what do you think?[/reminder]


Feb 1, 2016


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