7 Fun Family Memorial Day Activities


Memorial Day for many families in the US signifies the start of summer, or at least warm weather months.  It is a great weekend to spend time with family.  The school year has ended, or is very near to ending, the pools are beginning to open, and the weather is nice and warm.

Creating Family Traditions

My wife and I have been kind of opposites when it comes to celebrating holidays since we’ve been married. She likes to make a big deal and celebrate each holiday, while sometimes a holiday can approach and pass without me paying much attention.  Realizing that the fun celebrations and activities are important to her, and seeing how much fun the kids have, I am now making it a point to find fun activities for each holiday in hopes of establishing some fun family traditions.

I’ve done some thinking and research and come up with a list of 7 Fun Family Activities To Do On Memorial Day.  I’ve listed them below, but I need your help.  See the question (red font) below the list to see how you can help.

7 Fun Family Memorial Day Activities

  1. Go to a local parade.  Many parades happen over the weekend.  Here in Indy we have the Indy 500 Parade for the big race.  The parade takes place on Saturday, and has plenty of fun for the kids (big and little)
  2. Cookout/barbecue.  The weather is nice and most people do not have to go in to work.  It is a great day to clean off the grill and hook up your favorite grilled dishes while doing the following…
  3. Backyard games.  While dad and/or mom are the throwing down on the grill set some games up in the backyard like volleyball, flag football, wiffleball, corn hole (I was skeptical, but have played and enjoyed it).  Something that all ages can enjoy.
  4. Pool time.  Most pools have opened for the summer.  Dust off the swimming gear, water toys & flip flops and head over to your neighborhood pool.
  5. Visit a local cemetery or memorial.  We can’t forget why Memorial Day even exists.  To honor those who have died defending our country.  Many families visit sites, placing flags and/or significant items in memory of loved ones.
  6. Projects around the house.  Memorial Day equals a 3-day weekend for most.  There are always projects and things that need to be done in and around our house.  This is a great time to for dad, mom, and the kids to work together on a project.  It may just be pulling out the summer outdoor games/toys and getting them ready for a summer of playing.
  7. Take a day off and do nothing!  Sometimes it is good just to rest and relax.  Get some movies, curl up, and relax.  Go to bed for the evening early so Tuesday morning you can start full of energy and ready to go!

Question:  Do you have any family holiday traditions that you did as a kid or do now?  Please share below in the comments (Memorial Day or any holiday).

May 28, 2012


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